Characteristics of Non-genuine Brace, a.k.a Fake

Characteristics of Non-genuine Brace, a.k.a Fake

Characteristics of Non-genuine Braces – In order to get a perfect appearance, teeth tidiness is also the main factor. Therefore, many people are willing to use braces. But did you know that there are fake braces that are often circulating today? If you don’t know about it, you must read this articles about characteristics of non-genuine braces.

Also Read Tips Braces : Surviving First Week of Using Braces

What are fake braces?

Fake braces are mostly worn by teenagers who just want to keep up with trends. Maybe they want to quickly create the perfect look. Fake braces are usually made of a piece of wire that is glued to your teeth. The wires will be attached to the outside of the tooth. Then glued around the back molars to secure the braces in place.

That is why it makes orthodontic treatment seen as a symbol of prosperity. Braces are usually administered at a high cost. As a result, nowadays there are many fake braces circulating. Which even though it can disrupt the health of your teeth.

If you know, the purpose of wearing braces should be to position the teeth in place of origin. Orthodontic appliances are used by orthodontists to move your teeth if something is out of alignment.

Usually, fake braces are repaired in just 3-5 months. Over time, the glue that sticks to the denture braces can no longer stick properly. However, it depends on the teenager whether they want to fix it for longer or not.

Before you know about the characteristics of non-genuine braces, you need to know about how this fake braces can affect your oral healthy.

Risk of fake braces

Fake braces are usually made of a piece of wire that is glued to your teeth. The wires will be attached to the outside of the tooth and then glued around the back molars to secure the braces in place.

Unlike real braces, fake braces are installed by yourself, or usually can be installed by people who work in beauty salons, as well as illegal street vendors. Of course this adds to the risk of misplacing it.

The rubber on fake braces is usually made of only colorful rubber bands and uses pieces that are shaped like cartoon icons to make them more eye-catching.

The fake wire equipment may have aesthetic appeal to teenagers. But the consequences of wearing braces that are not installed by a doctor are far from safe. It’s even lead to deadly diseases of the teeth and mouth. Instead of producing a good shape, it actually causes interference with teeth.

Differences between real braces and fake braces

You better have to be careful not to be fooled. What are the differences between real and fake braces?

  • The real difference is the use of real braces that will be directly used by doctors or medical personnel who are experts. However, the use of fake braces is usually installed by anyone or not even an expert.
  • In addition, real braces are always attached to the teeth and bottom at the same time. Whereas fake ones can be attached to only one part, for example only the top.
  • Typically, the cost of installing natural braces ranges from four to five million. While the fake is very affordable, starting from the price of hundreds of thousands of rupiah, you can get it. You can imagine if the price is very far away, then it could be that the materials used are of course different.
  • Natural braces require you to come to a specialist who is in their field. Meanwhile, if the braces are dentures, you can attach them yourself at any time.

If you feel some awkwardness like the one above, be careful and don’t be fooled.

The materials used can both be made from wire or stainless steel, but the quality between real and fake is certainly different.

In addition to the cost of installing braces and the type of material, you also need to look at the cost of dental care and maintenance while wearing your teeth.

How are these fake braces being fixed?

The fake braces are repaired by the buyer himself. They can find tutorials showing how to fix fake braces on social media. There are also services provided to repair false braces in hotels or door-to-door customers.

It differs from real braces treatment in that a licensed and experienced orthodontist will repair their orthodontic appliance. They will also usually explain how to care for the equipment after fixation.


The stain from the glue can rub off on the tooth’s surface. Dental caries and bleeding gums can occur because there is no explanation for how to care for the teeth after insertion. Oral hygiene instructions are not provided to buyers of dentures.

In addition, fixing dentures in some way can cause tooth movement. Although the movement is minimal, there have been several cases reported causing tooth mobility and almost dislodging of the gums.


Impact of Careless Veneers Installation for Your Teeth

Impact of Careless Veneers Installation for Your Teeth

Impact of Careless Veneers Installation – Dental veneers are a common process used to improve the appearance of teeth. A doctor who puts a layer of porcelain or resin coating on the teeth so that they cover the defects.

However, please note that these dental veneers must be professionally installed by an expert, namely a dentist. On social media there are many stories of people carelessly changing tooth veneers with messy results.

How can anyone wear veneers carelessly?

Trends in the world of beauty continue to grow, one of which is dental veneers. Many artists both from within and outside the country do this treatment because they are believed to be able to make smiles even more beautiful.

Teeth veneers are tempting for many people, because through this treatment their teeth can be trimmed and made bright white like a toothpaste advertisement on television.

There are several grades of veneers, whether you want a natural white or a completely porcelain white. It can all be arranged according to your wishes as a patient, of course.

However, the dental veneer procedure is not as easy as anyone thinks or performs. Before starting, the patient’s teeth need to be extracted first to find out which part of the tooth needs to be scrapped to be tidied up.

Many people think that dental veneers can be done alone or even ask a dentist to help. That is very dangerous, because we do not know whether the equipment used is sterile? and Safe? Don’t let it endanger the health of your teeth.

There have been many cases of patients who have become victims of fake dental veneers. The patient’s teeth became thicker, making it harder to chew.

If so, the patient must sacrifice time and of course spend to treat the teeth. Therefore, to be more careful in choosing treatments and try to go to an expert so that safety is guaranteed.

Also Read Benefits of Using Veneers For Your Teeth

Impact of Careless Veneers Installation

1. The rest of the food is stuck

Layers of veneers that are placed carelessly, for example connected to each other, can create gaps where food debris sticks to the gums that cannot be brushed. In the long run, this food residue will accumulate, inviting more and more bacteria to multiply.

2. Bleeding gums

When bacteria are easy to breed due to messy veneers, what is called gum inflammation (gingivitis) can occur. The signs are that the gums look swollen, red and bleed easily, especially when brushing.

This inflammatory problem can lead to a more serious condition, namely gum infection.

3. Gums can be injured

Due to the buildup of dirt on the gums if it turns out that the edges of the veneer layer that are installed are also too sharp, the result is that the veneer that is affixed too punctures into the gum gap.

4. Bad breath

What happens if the dirt in your mouth can’t be cleaned completely due to messy veneers? The immediate impact is bad breath (halitosis). As long as the residue is not cleaned, how often you brush your teeth or rinsing your mouth won’t help fix it.

5. Messy teeth

Due to careless placement of veneers, it is not uncommon for the final result to make the tooth formation look messy.


Be careful about impact of careless veneers installation. Fake veneers can damage teeth, damage the gums, become a place for germs to breed, increase tartar, bleeding gums, swollen gums, bad breath, and do not rule out triggering other diseases.

For those of you who want to install veneers that are good, healthy, and meet the standards, please come to your dentist, or the nearest dentist in your city. Dentist is a profession that has competence in treating your teeth and mouth. Also if you are live in Bali, you can go to us in Doctor Sulastry.


Tips Braces : Surviving First Week of Using Braces

Tips Braces : Surviving First Week of Using Braces

Tips Braces – The hardest part about getting braces is making it through the first week. Your body is getting used to the strange, new pieces of metal in your mouth, and you probably feel a little sore at first. Once you get through the first week, you’re well on your way to a beautifully straight smile.

We will all use the most advanced and high-tech treatment options to ensure your braces or Invisalign experience is as fast, effective and easy as possible. While we’ll help you complete the treatment and soon enough you’ll forget that you’re even wearing braces, there’s an adjustment period. As one of the leading braces providers, we give you all the details you need to know to adapt to your new hardware. Here are our tips braces for your first week using braces.

Also Read Long Term Benefits of Braces For Your Teeth

To help you feel more comfortable with braces, here is a list of five tips for surviving the first week:

1. Prepare the things needed when leaving the orthodontics clinic

After getting braces, don’t leave the office until you’ve discussed the following:

  • Check the end of the cable. Use your fingers and tongue to make sure the cord doesn’t extend into areas that might puncture your cheek or travel up your tongue in the wrong way.
  • Understand the next steps. Make sure you ask lots of questions to make sure you know what to do before your next appointment, which may include wearing headgear, using elastic, following certain hygiene recommendations, and more.
  • Check your supplies again. Ask for lots of dental wax, cleaning aids, rubber bands, or other related materials you may need before your next orthodontist appointment.

2. Be careful what you eat with braces and keep consume friendly food also drinks

You are obliged to always pay attention to food and drink when you are wearing braces, we strongly recommend that you only eat softer foods in the first days while your mouth and teeth adjust. Chewing gum that contains sugar can cause damage to your teeth and braces.

We’ll fill you in on what to eat with braces the first week and beyond at your consultation. Your first day with braces or even your first several days, your teeth will be sensitive as we said, so sticking with soft foods and cold drinks is your best bet. Things like mashed potatoes, smoothies, applesauce, soup, pudding, yogurt, ice cream and ice water are great options. Cold beverages have the added bonus of numbing your mouth.

Once you are acclimated to your braces, you can go back to eating most of the foods you love. However, you will want to avoid really hard, sticky or chewy foods like caramel, toffee, popcorn, hard bagels, tough meats, nuts and pizza crust or anything that can damage your braces. You also shouldn’t bite or tear directly into foods like raw apples and carrots or corn on the cob. Instead, strip corn off the cob and cut foods into small, bite-sized pieces and chew with your back teeth.

3. You can use wax to fight sores in your mouth

The brackets are designed to be soft in your mouth, but can rub against the soft skin in your mouth and cause irritation as you get used to them. Over time, your skin will harden and you won’t continue to have sore spots. Until then, it is best to use the candles we provide to relieve any discomfort.

4. Learn How To Handle Emergency Braces

The true emergency of braces is very rare. However, there may be some inconvenience and minor accidents can happen to you. Knowing how to handle them at home can help you feel more confident during the first few days of braces and during treatment. These are common constraints:

  • Soreness – As we mentioned , your teeth can ache after you first put the braces and go through the adjustments. Again, sticking to cold snacks and drinks will work wonders. You can also use an over-the-counter salt water rinse or pain reliever if you still feel discomfort.
  • Broken or Loose Bracket Braces – If your braces are still attached to the cables, do not remove them. Gently push it back into the correct place and then cover it with a small piece of orthodontic wax. If the bracket breaks and falls off your wire, wrap a piece of tissue around it and remove it from your mouth. Make sure to call our office so we can schedule you to make an appointment to fix it.

5. Rinse your mouth with salt water

If you experience severe irritation, we recommend gargling with a warm salt water solution five or six times a day for 30 seconds at a time. Add half a teaspoon of table salt to one cup of warm water. The salt water will help relieve pain and allow the area to heal faster.

6. Be practice good oral hygiene

Use the toothbrush you provide to clean your teeth after eating, and make sure any food may get caught in your bracket. Don’t forget to follow a routine of brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing regularly. Implementing this habit early in your braces journey will help ensure that you don’t have problems later on.

Everyone adapts to the discomfort of braces differently, but following these steps will make your journey to straight teeth a lot more enjoyable. Once you’ve made it through the first few days, you won’t even notice your braces.
