Cosmetic Dentistry in Bali is a Dental and oral health is a very important thing that you should know because damaged teeth and gums and not treated properly will cause pain in the teeth and gums, chewing disorders and can interfere with other health of the body. The way that we can do to maintain the health of your teeth is to get to know early problems in your teeth and gums by consulting with your trusted dentist online or offline
Our Best Services
Well here are some treatments done by Doctor Sulastry as the Best Aesthetic Dentist in Bali is known as a friendly dentist and very gentle to handle patients who do dental care.

Teeth Whitening
Bleaching or dental whitening is a procedure to whiten teeth using chemicals, the goal is to restore aesthetic factors (tooth email) and regain the color of the teeth so they look bright and shiny.

Odontectomy/Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Dental implants are a common procedure to permanently replace a lost tooth without affecting the tooth next door. With the help of dental implants, we were able to fully repair toothless to improve chewing and speaking skills, as well as restore a beautiful smile.

Braces Treatment
Braces is a treatment with the aim of smoothing the position of the teeth. There are various types and systems of braces that can be used and adapted to existing needs and cases.

Veneer Treatment
Veneers are made of resin or porcelain, and will stick permanently to the teeth. The level or degree of the tooth veneer is adjusted to the person's wishes. Another effect, the teeth can look more flat and neat.

Tooth Fillings
Returns teeth damaged by decay to normal function and shape. By closing the space where bacteria can enter, fillings also help prevent further decay. Materials used for fillings such as composite resins, porcelain, and metals

Consultation and Other Treatment
Consult your dental problem with our dentist for further treatment. Put on the braces , scaling, Root Canal Care (PSA), Brace Removal and put on the Retainer, put on the denture, and other dental care.
Before proceeding to some of the above treatments, it is recommended that patients consult with Doctor Sulastry is a Cosmetic Dentistry in Bali to undergo a comprehensive oral examination consisting of a complete medical, dental, and social history. Doctor Sulastry can give you the answer to any of your most appropriate questions about the treatment you want. Don’t Forget to Check The Empty Schedule before conducting a Consultation or Contact Us

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