Do You Really Need to Extract Cavities? Find the Answer in Here!

Do You Really Need to Extract Cavities? Find the Answer in Here!

Do You Really Need to Extract Cavities? Have you experiencing excruciating toothache? There are many problems that can be experienced in teeth, one of which is cavities. Cavities occur when teeth are damaged, which causes the teeth to erode from the outside in and cause cavities. There are several causes that cause cavities, such as eating sweet foods, rarely teething, and not maintaining dental and oral hygiene.

Although cavities are a common health problem for teeth, this condition can cause other health problems for you. There are several ways that can be done to treat cavities. However, do cavities need to be extracted to solve the problem?

Also Read Teeth Whitening Facts and Benefits That Should You Know

How do you get cavities in your teeth?

Cavities in your teeth are generally caused by a lack of oral and dental hygiene. Lack of dental hygiene can cause your teeth to have plaque. The plaque that sticks to the teeth can turn into acid caused by bad bacteria. The acid from plaque sticks to the teeth. Then scrape the tooth slowly until it forms a hole.

The erosion that occurs in the teeth initially does not show symptoms. However, if the hole has reached the inside of the tooth, this condition will only cause symptoms. Some of them such as pain when eating food, toothache that makes it uncomfortable, there are parts of the teeth that turn black or brown, teeth become sensitive, and visible holes in the teeth.

This condition can create health complications if not treated immediately, such as dental abscesses, broken teeth, persistent pain, affecting the structure of the jaw, and causing heart disease and stroke. Is there any treatment that can be done to treat toothache and how? Yes, of course.

Progressive Tooth Decay

Bacteria and acids can multiply through teeth moving in the pulp where your nerves and blood vessels are located. As a result, the teeth become swollen and irritated due to the presence of bacteria. This happens because swelling develops inside the tooth, the nerves become compressed, resulting in painful pain. This discomfort can extend beyond the root of the tooth.

Cavities and tooth decay are very common, but cavities and tooth decay can have serious and long-lasting complications, even for children who do not yet have permanent teeth.

Complications from cavities can include:

  • Pain.
  • Tooth abscess.
  • Swelling or pus around the teeth.
  • Tooth decay.
  • Problems with chewing food.
  • Gearshift position after tooth loss.

When you have cavities and decay, you may experience:

  • Pain that interferes with daily life.
  • Weight loss or nutritional problems due to eating or chewing that is painful and becomes difficult.
  • Losing teeth can also affect your appearance and self-confidence.

Do You Really Need to Extract Cavities?

Don’t hesitate to check with the nearest dentist to treat the condition of your cavities. Tooth decay is treated differently depending on the condition. A cavity that is severe enough and cannot be repaired will require tooth extraction. These are some of the treatments that can be done, namely:

  1. Tooth Filling

Dental fillings are a common procedure for non-severe cavities.

  1. Crown

Crowns are performed to treat more severe cavities. If you have weak teeth, it is recommended to use a dental crown.

  1. Root Channel

This action you can do when the hole in the tooth has reached the root of the tooth. This action is done to overcome dental problems without having to pull teeth.

  1. Tooth Extraction

Then pull out the tooth, this is done to overcome the hole in your tooth that can no longer be repaired. Installation of dentures is the next step to fill in the gaps of the extracted teeth.


Do you really need to extract cavities? That’s the discussion about it and how to treat cavities. There is nothing wrong with taking precautions to avoid cavities. You should not forget to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day, after eating and before going to bed.

If cavities are caused by dry mouth, don’t forget to drink fluids to keep your body and mouth well hydrated. Don’t forget to consume fruits and vegetables that have high fiber content and consume foods that are high in calcium.


Tips Braces : Surviving First Week of Using Braces

Tips Braces : Surviving First Week of Using Braces

Tips Braces – The hardest part about getting braces is making it through the first week. Your body is getting used to the strange, new pieces of metal in your mouth, and you probably feel a little sore at first. Once you get through the first week, you’re well on your way to a beautifully straight smile.

We will all use the most advanced and high-tech treatment options to ensure your braces or Invisalign experience is as fast, effective and easy as possible. While we’ll help you complete the treatment and soon enough you’ll forget that you’re even wearing braces, there’s an adjustment period. As one of the leading braces providers, we give you all the details you need to know to adapt to your new hardware. Here are our tips braces for your first week using braces.

Also Read Long Term Benefits of Braces For Your Teeth

To help you feel more comfortable with braces, here is a list of five tips for surviving the first week:

1. Prepare the things needed when leaving the orthodontics clinic

After getting braces, don’t leave the office until you’ve discussed the following:

  • Check the end of the cable. Use your fingers and tongue to make sure the cord doesn’t extend into areas that might puncture your cheek or travel up your tongue in the wrong way.
  • Understand the next steps. Make sure you ask lots of questions to make sure you know what to do before your next appointment, which may include wearing headgear, using elastic, following certain hygiene recommendations, and more.
  • Check your supplies again. Ask for lots of dental wax, cleaning aids, rubber bands, or other related materials you may need before your next orthodontist appointment.

2. Be careful what you eat with braces and keep consume friendly food also drinks

You are obliged to always pay attention to food and drink when you are wearing braces, we strongly recommend that you only eat softer foods in the first days while your mouth and teeth adjust. Chewing gum that contains sugar can cause damage to your teeth and braces.

We’ll fill you in on what to eat with braces the first week and beyond at your consultation. Your first day with braces or even your first several days, your teeth will be sensitive as we said, so sticking with soft foods and cold drinks is your best bet. Things like mashed potatoes, smoothies, applesauce, soup, pudding, yogurt, ice cream and ice water are great options. Cold beverages have the added bonus of numbing your mouth.

Once you are acclimated to your braces, you can go back to eating most of the foods you love. However, you will want to avoid really hard, sticky or chewy foods like caramel, toffee, popcorn, hard bagels, tough meats, nuts and pizza crust or anything that can damage your braces. You also shouldn’t bite or tear directly into foods like raw apples and carrots or corn on the cob. Instead, strip corn off the cob and cut foods into small, bite-sized pieces and chew with your back teeth.

3. You can use wax to fight sores in your mouth

The brackets are designed to be soft in your mouth, but can rub against the soft skin in your mouth and cause irritation as you get used to them. Over time, your skin will harden and you won’t continue to have sore spots. Until then, it is best to use the candles we provide to relieve any discomfort.

4. Learn How To Handle Emergency Braces

The true emergency of braces is very rare. However, there may be some inconvenience and minor accidents can happen to you. Knowing how to handle them at home can help you feel more confident during the first few days of braces and during treatment. These are common constraints:

  • Soreness – As we mentioned , your teeth can ache after you first put the braces and go through the adjustments. Again, sticking to cold snacks and drinks will work wonders. You can also use an over-the-counter salt water rinse or pain reliever if you still feel discomfort.
  • Broken or Loose Bracket Braces – If your braces are still attached to the cables, do not remove them. Gently push it back into the correct place and then cover it with a small piece of orthodontic wax. If the bracket breaks and falls off your wire, wrap a piece of tissue around it and remove it from your mouth. Make sure to call our office so we can schedule you to make an appointment to fix it.

5. Rinse your mouth with salt water

If you experience severe irritation, we recommend gargling with a warm salt water solution five or six times a day for 30 seconds at a time. Add half a teaspoon of table salt to one cup of warm water. The salt water will help relieve pain and allow the area to heal faster.

6. Be practice good oral hygiene

Use the toothbrush you provide to clean your teeth after eating, and make sure any food may get caught in your bracket. Don’t forget to follow a routine of brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing regularly. Implementing this habit early in your braces journey will help ensure that you don’t have problems later on.

Everyone adapts to the discomfort of braces differently, but following these steps will make your journey to straight teeth a lot more enjoyable. Once you’ve made it through the first few days, you won’t even notice your braces.


Teeth Scaling for Health

Teeth Scaling for Health

Teeth scaling for health is a non-surgical procedure that is performed to clean and remove plaque and tartar on the teeth. Plaques formed from bacteria and food waste in the mouth are that is allowed to harder and rarely brush teeth from tartar. Tartar and plaque contain millions of bacteria and if they are not cleaned regularly, they can cause disease, moreover, tartar and plaque that has continued to harden will be very difficult to remove with regular brushing, so it requires special tools through tooth scaling procedure.  

Did you know that the benefits of teeth scaling for health and the process need to be known so that teeth are always maintained? Especially if you don’t pay attention to oral health, it can cause various diseases in other parts of the body as well.

Cleaning the tartar   

As mentioned earlier, tooth scaling is a tartar cleaning procedure. Cleaning tartar is done using an ultrasound scaler. The tartar and plaque make teeth appear untreated. Usually, hardened plaques tend to be dull in color, usually brownish yellow to black. The ultrasonic scaler will produce vibrations that destroy and knock out the tartar in between to the deepest part of the tooth.  

Not only cleaning the plaque on the teeth, but this tool also cleans the tartar in the gum line that is difficult to reach with a bristle toothbrush, Because the tartar is not easy to clean just by brushing your teeth, but you also need to go to the dentist to undergo a thorough cleaning of the tartar. Scaling can clean even very hard tartar. You are advised to clean your teeth regularly every 6 months. But for severe cases, scaling can be done once every 3 months. Scaling not only cleans teeth from plaque and tartar but can also prevent the appearance of various diseases. 


The next benefit of cleaning teeth is that it can prevent gingivitis. Tartar that is left to continue to harden and cause gingivitis, you know not gingivitis is an inflammation or inflammation that hits the soft tissues around the teeth or gingival tissue. This condition makes the gums inflamed, swollen, and easily bleeding, Over time, caries on the teeth can also occur, therefore, you can treat the teeth by scaling the teeth to prevent them.  


With regard to gingivitis, If not treated immediately it will be more severe and cause periodontitis. Therefore, it is concerned with cleaning gifi to prevent periodontisitis or gum infection that damages the dental buffer tissue. The disease causes the onset of pockets that create a distance between the gums and teeth. When the bag is filled with nakteri, the immune system naturally releases the substance ki,it to fight the bacteria.  

Reactions of chemicals released by the body and bacteria can damage the bones of teeth, causing the bones, gums and gum support tissue to be destroyed. Without proper treatment, periodontitis can cause loose teeth or dates.  

Heart Disease   

Bacteria contained in tartar can infect dental buffer tissue and can spread throughout the body. In fact, quoted from WebMD, bacteria that cause gum disease can also increase the risk of heart disease. The bacteria enter the bloodstream and can spread to other organs such as the heart. Therefore, the benefits of teeth scaling as one of the best ways to clean the tartar can prevent the onset of various diseases. 

Before Teeth Scaling  

Before teeth scaling for health, you need to undergo several tests first, such as:  

Medical history check.   

Before performing a dental examination, your doctor will check your medical history, including your history of allergies or medical conditions. This is done to prevent various risks that may occur..  

You should tell your doctor if you have ever experienced an allergic reaction to the ingredients contained in the anesthetic, or are taking medications, supplements, or herbal products, especially blood-thinning drugs (anticoagulants). The doctor will advise the patient to temporarily discontinue the use of anticoagulant drugs to prevent the risk of bleeding.  

Also, let your doctor know if you’re using an artificial joint (prosthetic). The doctor will administer antibiotics to reduce the risk of side effects. You should also tell your doctor if you have heart valve disease or use an artificial heart valve and if you have ever undergone an organ transplant procedure.  

Examination of dental and oral conditions.   

Next, the doctor will examine and identify the location of plaque and tartar with a special small mirror.  

Teeth Scaling Procedure  

Steps taken by the doctor during the dental scaling procedure include:  

– The dentist will provide local anesthesia to relieve any pain that may arise during the plaque and tartar cleaning process.  

– The doctor begins the process of cleaning the tartar by using an ultrasonic wave scraper that can emit vibrations and remove plaque and tartar. It can also emit cold smoke from the water to clean the rest of the plaque and tartar.  

– Once the plaques and corals around the tooth email are cleaned, the doctor will use a manual scraper or scaler with a pointed tip to clean the plaques and corals in areas unreachable by ultrasonic scrapers.  

– During the process of cleaning the plaque and tartar, the doctor will ask you to gargle and remove it so that the rest of the plaque in the mouth can be lost.  

– The last step, the doctor will polish the cleaned teeth with a polisher equipped with soft rubber at the end.  

Tooth scaling can be completed in one visit lasting 30-120 minutes, depending on the condition and number of plaques and tartar. 

Read Another blog about Benefits of Teeth Whitening in Bali that you Must Know!