Tips Braces : Surviving First Week of Using Braces

Tips Braces : Surviving First Week of Using Braces

Tips Braces – The hardest part about getting braces is making it through the first week. Your body is getting used to the strange, new pieces of metal in your mouth, and you probably feel a little sore at first. Once you get through the first week, you’re well on your way to a beautifully straight smile.

We will all use the most advanced and high-tech treatment options to ensure your braces or Invisalign experience is as fast, effective and easy as possible. While we’ll help you complete the treatment and soon enough you’ll forget that you’re even wearing braces, there’s an adjustment period. As one of the leading braces providers, we give you all the details you need to know to adapt to your new hardware. Here are our tips braces for your first week using braces.

Also Read Long Term Benefits of Braces For Your Teeth

To help you feel more comfortable with braces, here is a list of five tips for surviving the first week:

1. Prepare the things needed when leaving the orthodontics clinic

After getting braces, don’t leave the office until you’ve discussed the following:

  • Check the end of the cable. Use your fingers and tongue to make sure the cord doesn’t extend into areas that might puncture your cheek or travel up your tongue in the wrong way.
  • Understand the next steps. Make sure you ask lots of questions to make sure you know what to do before your next appointment, which may include wearing headgear, using elastic, following certain hygiene recommendations, and more.
  • Check your supplies again. Ask for lots of dental wax, cleaning aids, rubber bands, or other related materials you may need before your next orthodontist appointment.

2. Be careful what you eat with braces and keep consume friendly food also drinks

You are obliged to always pay attention to food and drink when you are wearing braces, we strongly recommend that you only eat softer foods in the first days while your mouth and teeth adjust. Chewing gum that contains sugar can cause damage to your teeth and braces.

We’ll fill you in on what to eat with braces the first week and beyond at your consultation. Your first day with braces or even your first several days, your teeth will be sensitive as we said, so sticking with soft foods and cold drinks is your best bet. Things like mashed potatoes, smoothies, applesauce, soup, pudding, yogurt, ice cream and ice water are great options. Cold beverages have the added bonus of numbing your mouth.

Once you are acclimated to your braces, you can go back to eating most of the foods you love. However, you will want to avoid really hard, sticky or chewy foods like caramel, toffee, popcorn, hard bagels, tough meats, nuts and pizza crust or anything that can damage your braces. You also shouldn’t bite or tear directly into foods like raw apples and carrots or corn on the cob. Instead, strip corn off the cob and cut foods into small, bite-sized pieces and chew with your back teeth.

3. You can use wax to fight sores in your mouth

The brackets are designed to be soft in your mouth, but can rub against the soft skin in your mouth and cause irritation as you get used to them. Over time, your skin will harden and you won’t continue to have sore spots. Until then, it is best to use the candles we provide to relieve any discomfort.

4. Learn How To Handle Emergency Braces

The true emergency of braces is very rare. However, there may be some inconvenience and minor accidents can happen to you. Knowing how to handle them at home can help you feel more confident during the first few days of braces and during treatment. These are common constraints:

  • Soreness – As we mentioned , your teeth can ache after you first put the braces and go through the adjustments. Again, sticking to cold snacks and drinks will work wonders. You can also use an over-the-counter salt water rinse or pain reliever if you still feel discomfort.
  • Broken or Loose Bracket Braces – If your braces are still attached to the cables, do not remove them. Gently push it back into the correct place and then cover it with a small piece of orthodontic wax. If the bracket breaks and falls off your wire, wrap a piece of tissue around it and remove it from your mouth. Make sure to call our office so we can schedule you to make an appointment to fix it.

5. Rinse your mouth with salt water

If you experience severe irritation, we recommend gargling with a warm salt water solution five or six times a day for 30 seconds at a time. Add half a teaspoon of table salt to one cup of warm water. The salt water will help relieve pain and allow the area to heal faster.

6. Be practice good oral hygiene

Use the toothbrush you provide to clean your teeth after eating, and make sure any food may get caught in your bracket. Don’t forget to follow a routine of brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing regularly. Implementing this habit early in your braces journey will help ensure that you don’t have problems later on.

Everyone adapts to the discomfort of braces differently, but following these steps will make your journey to straight teeth a lot more enjoyable. Once you’ve made it through the first few days, you won’t even notice your braces.


Difference Between Invisalign and Braces to Straighten Your Teeth

Difference Between Invisalign and Braces to Straighten Your Teeth

Difference Between Invisalign and Braces ? Lined teeth can make you reluctant to smile and laugh. In fact, you tend to keep your mouth shut when you speak. Don’t let this discourage you. Because this can still be overcome with invisalign or braces.

Invisalign and braces is an orthodontic treatment designed to straighten teeth. Teeth neatly aligned will definitely make a smile more beautiful and you will be confident.

But what you should know, even though these two treatments have the same function, the way of installation, price, and also the level of comfort in their use varies. If you are curious about the difference between invisalign and braces, then you should read this article.

Also Read Long Term Benefits of Braces For Your Teeth

A Little Explanation About Invisalign and Braces

Braces or better known as stirrups, is a form of dental care that is commonly used by many people. This tool consists of a metal bracket that is attached to each tooth.

The brackets will be connected with a tight cable gradually. This process serves to change teeth in the desired direction. Braces are quite popular because they are decorated with small rubber bands of various colors. This can add uniqueness to braces users.

Furthermore, there is Invisalign, which is dental care made of transparent plastic without cables and brackets. This tool can be easily removed and installed by the user.

Because it is more compact and easier to use, many people also use Invisalign so that their teeth are tidier and flatter.

This is the Difference Between Invisalign and Braces

According to Klik Dokter, there’s five difference between invisalign and braces that should you know. Although the two tools function to straighten teeth, both invisalign and braces have their respective differences. Therefore, you can consider the two first before choosing one.

1. The shape and color

One of the common reasons someone uses Invisalign is because it is clear and transparent. Its invisible shape makes others unaware when you use it on your teeth.

Whereas in the use of stirrups or braces, the tool is attached to each tooth and looks like a fence attached. This certainly makes braces easier to see when you talk or smile with other people.

2. Installation Process

The process of installing the stirrup cannot be done alone and must be done by a dentist. Where in the installation process later, the metal bracket will be glued to the teeth, then tied by wire and rubber bands.

Furthermore, the bracket is given glue using a special light so that it adheres to the teeth and does not fall off easily.

Unlike Invisalign, the doctor will make a tray that looks like your teeth. This tool can be removed and installed by the user himself and it is easier.

3. How to Clean

Because braces and invisalign shapes are different, the way to clean your teeth will also be different.

For people who use braces, it is usually difficult to clean the food debris that was on the teeth when they got stuck. This is because there are many indentations that make food scraps stick to the wire. Usually, this toothbrush is difficult to reach.

If braces are not cleaned immediately, it will trigger other dental health problems. For example, plaque and tartar, which will make your teeth appear more yellow.

In invisalign, this tool can be easily removed when you want to clean it. Usually, you should take it off when you eat, unless you drink what is still allowed.

You also have to be disciplined in using this tool. So, after cleaning, you should immediately use it again. Don’t be lazy or forget to use Invisalign after it’s unplugged.

4. Duration of Treatment

Invisalign treatment you need to put the device in your teeth for 20 to 22 hours every day, and it may be removed while sleeping or eating.

In addition, replacement trays need to be done every 2 weeks, meaning you need to make regular visits to the dentist every 5-6 weeks.

In two weeks, your new tray will feel a little different. The reason is, when replaced, the tray will be redesigned to shift and move the gear to the position you want.

The duration of treatment using a tray is about 6-18 months. However, it can vary depending on the condition of the teeth and the discipline or not the patient uses Invisalign every day.

Then for braces, generally you don’t have to bother cleaning or removing them every day. This is because the wire will stay in your teeth for 24 hours. For check-up visits, you will need to see the dentist once a month.

The doctor will replace the straps attached to the brackets and cables to secure them. As for the length of treatment using these braces, generally it will be done for 2 years to 3 years.

This also depends on the condition of the teeth and how regularly the patient goes to the dentist.

5. Installation Advice by Doctor

You can’t just choose which dental treatment to use. Because, the doctor will adjust the condition of the teeth with the treatments that are recommended later.

If your teeth do not have serious shape problems, for example, only teeth are misaligned and lightly crowded, teeth that are a little loose, overbit, this can still be handled using Invisalign.

Whereas in more complex or severe dental problems, such as crossbite, overcrowded teeth, posterior open bite and other jaw problems, this should be treated using braces.


Hopefully this article about the difference between invisalign and braces can make you think carefully. If you want to get a beautiful smile with dental care, then don’t be in a rush to decide which one to use. You can consult your nearest dentist first, or you can contact us if possible.

References :

How to Maintain Braces Properly

How to Maintain Braces Properly

How to Maintain Braces – If the condition of your teeth is not aligned or tenuous then you are advised to use braces. Apart from improperly positioned teeth, there are also people who have a unique jaw shape. Such as too forward or too backward in the upper jaw and lower jaw.

The use of these braces can help improve the appearance of your face, especially your mouth and jaw, to make it better. Not only for facial appearance, braces can be placed in every case of your jaw joint pain. Such as difficulty chewing, or having difficulty speaking.

You must wear the braces in the correct position of the teeth. This will improve the ability to chew, speak, and reduce pain in your jaw joints.

Also Read Keep Your Gums Healthy With These Several Tips

And How to Maintain Braces Properly ?

How to care for your braces properly and correctly must cover all aspects. Starting from ensuring the cleanliness of the oral cavity to, regulating food intake, to avoid damage to the teeth with wires attached.

Of course, you also have to go to the dentist regularly. Don’t forget to do the maximum cleaning of your teeth at home. This is the key to treating teeth using braces.

1. Regularly check with your dentist

If you are currently using braces on a permanent basis, routine controls are mandatory. Generally the dentist will suggest a 3 or 4 week control time. It could be shorter or longer depending on the condition of your braces later.

During the examination process, the dentist will perform tooth cleaning, rubber replacement, and wire replacement if needed. The doctor will also reinstall the loose glue bracket, attach additional tools, etc. according to the dental case you have. If you find cavities in your teeth, your teeth will also be filled.

2. Brush your teeth diligently

The standard procedure for maintaining dental health, especially using braces, is to brush your teeth at least twice a day.

For braces users, how to brush their teeth also needs attention. Brushing your teeth too hard, for example, can lead to tooth enamel damage. In addition, there is also a risk of lowering the gums which can make teeth sensitive.

Tooth brushing should be done slowly, carefully, and cover the entire surface of the tooth, not necessarily with hard pressure. Pay special attention to the area between the braces and the gums, as this is usually where a large accumulation of plaque forms, which has the potential to become tartar.

It is highly recommended for stirrup users to use a special toothbrush. This special toothbrush for braces users is able to clean food debris stuck between teeth and braces that cannot be reached by an ordinary toothbrush.

This toothbrush is considered more effective because it cuts into a V-like shape where the center of the bristles is lower than the outer bristles on the side.

3. Use Dental Floss

The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends brace users to use dental floss to make it easier to remove dirt and plaque between the teeth, gums, and under the orthodontic appliance.

You can use an interproximal brush or what is often called an interdental brush. The device is round and has bristles around it that can reach the bottom of the bracket to remove trapped food debris.

4. Stay away from sticky foods

Drg. Wiena said that “People who don’t use stirrups are not encouraged to eat sticky foods like candy, especially those who already use stirrups. The remaining candy stuck between the stirrups can cause dental infections and cause cavities and erosion of the teeth. As a result, teeth will be more damaged and need more treatment to heal them.”

5. Don’t Eat Hard Food

Apart from being able to damage tooth enamel, hard foods such as ice cubes, hard candy, etc. This can damage your braces. Also avoid chewing hard objects such as pens, pencils, ice cubes, and so on.

Those were some of the ways how to maintain braces that you wear. Make sure to always take good care so that your braces can last a long time.
