Other Benefits of Mouthwash Besides for Bad Breath

Other Benefits of Mouthwash Besides for Bad Breath

Other Benefits of Mouthwash – The mouthwash that you often use is an antiseptic liquid that is used to clean between your teeth. The surface of your tongue and gums, and the back of your mouth or esophagus. Many people use mouthwash to treat their bad breath. Some other people use mouthwash to function like saliva, which is to keep their mouth moist and neutralize acids.

You can use a number of mouthwashes over the counter, but some are specifically designed to treat certain health problems. The other type is usually prescribed by a doctor.

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Ingredients in mouthwash

There are many choices of mouthwash with different supporting ingredients that you can buy. Of course, the benefits of each mouthwash are different. The mouthwash products you buy usually contain these ingredients:

  • Antimicrobial: reduces plaque, gingivitis, and gingivitis in the early stages, and kills bacteria that cause bad breath.
  • Bad breath repellent: deactivates odor-causing compounds.
  • Astringent salt: masking agent for bad breath.
  • Fluoride: helps prevent tartar and cavities.
  • Peroxide: helps prevent the appearance of stains on the tooth surface.
  • Antiseptics such as chlorhexidine gluconate or hexetidine.
  • Tastes like sorbitol, sucralose, sodium saccharin.

While mouthwash used with a prescription may contain antifungal ingredients to prevent fungal growth, antibiotics to help kill bacteria, local anesthetics or antihistamines, antacids, and corticosteroids to treat inflammation. This type of mouthwash is often used as a mouthwash for toothache.

Unless it has been prescribed by a doctor, you should avoid using mouthwash in children under 6 years of age. Especially those containing alcohol, as there is a risk of ingestion. Mouthwash that contains alcohol is also at risk of making bad breath worse because it can cause the mouth to become dry. In addition, until now there is still debate among experts about the use of mouthwash containing alcohol in the long term associated with the development of oral cancer.

Other benefits apart from bad breath

Bad breath or halitosis is a common complaint for people or you. Besides being caused by bacteria, food left between the teeth and the surface of the tongue can also cause complaints of unpleasant odors.

In addition to the benefits of mouthwash to treat bad breath, it turns out that there are many other benefits of mouthwash products that you must know.

  • Mouthwash can help you to prevent plaque from building up on your teeth.
  • Mouthwash that contains fluoride will helps you to reduce the risk of cavities caused by bacteria and acids. Also can makes your teeth stronger.
  • Certain mouthwashes you can also used postoperatively or after tooth extraction.
  • Several types of prescription mouthwash you can used to treat oral diseases. Especially that can be caused by radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

However, mouthwash, especially over-the-counter, is generally not a drug to treat dental and gum disorders, especially those that are already severe. Therefore, if you experience this kind of health problem, it is still important to see a dentist. In addition, keep in mind that mouthwash is not a substitute for brush and toothpaste because they still play an important role in cleaning food debris and bacteria on the teeth.

How to use mouthwash the right way

If you want to get the most out of mouthwash, you have to use it properly.

  • Make sure your mouthwash is certified safe.
  • Mouthwash is usually used once a day before going to bed or after brushing your teeth. You can also follow the doctor’s instructions. It is recommended that you use it at the same time.
  • Generally there is a measuring cup measuring approximately 10 mm or the equivalent of 2 full teaspoons that can be used once. Avoid using more than the above dosage unless recommended by a doctor.
  • Use it to rinse your mouth for about a minute. Then remove it from the mouth. Never swallow this medicine unless your doctor allows it. Always accompany small children when they use mouthwash.
  • To get maximum results, you should avoid eating food or gargling with other fluids for at least 30 minutes after using this mouthwash.
  • Gargle after brushing your teeth and before using mouthwash because certain ingredients in toothpaste can inhibit the action of chlorhexidine in mouthwash.


People who are sensitive or allergic to certain ingredients in mouthwash, can develop sores, redness, and pain in the mouth. These reactions can usually be treated by diluting mouthwash with plain water or changing mouthwash, such as using salt water.

You should go to the doctor if you experience side effects or stains appear on your teeth or on your tongue.


Tips Choosing Toothpaste for Cavities

Tips Choosing Toothpaste for Cavities

Tips Choosing Toothpaste for Cavities – Toothpaste has become a daily necessity that you must buy when shopping at the supermarket. Every day at least you will use toothpaste at least twice to clean your teeth.

Actually, toothpaste has many flavors and is also sold in various specific functions. For example, toothpaste with the function of whitening teeth, cleaning and protecting teeth from bacteria, making the mouth feel fresh all day, preventing cavities, and much more.

Also Read Teeth Whitening Facts and Benefits That Should You Know

Common ingredients in toothpaste

Some of the ingredients in toothpaste are:

1. Abrasive agent

It is a crude material, such as calcium carbonate, dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, and magnesium trisilicate. Abrasive agents work to help expel food debris, bacteria, and some stains on the teeth.

2. Artificial sweeteners

including saccharin, are often added to toothpaste to make them taste better. Toothpaste flavors are usually a mixture of several components.

3. Dye

Also added to toothpaste, such as titanium dioxide for white pastes and various food colorings for colored pastes or gels.

4. Humectants

Used in toothpaste to prevent water loss in toothpaste so that the toothpaste does not harden when exposed to air when opened.

5. Binder

The binder is a hydrophilic colloid that binds water and is used to stabilize toothpaste formulations by preventing the separation of the solid and liquid phases.

6. Detergent

Detergents, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, produce foam when you brush your teeth.

7. Fluoride

Fluoride is very important for dental health because the use of fluoride in toothpaste can reduce the risk of dental caries.

Several tips choosing toothpaste for cavities

One of the simplest ways to treat cavities is to brush with the right toothpaste. Unfortunately, there are many toothpaste products on the market with various brands, colors, and flavors.

You are currently confused about which toothpaste is best for cavities. Here are some tips choosing toothpaste for cavities that you can try.

1. Choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride

Toothpaste contains many active ingredients to help maintain oral health. Well, one of the most important ingredients to look for when choosing a toothpaste for cavities is fluoride.

Various studies have found that fluoride is effective in preventing caries and plaque buildup on teeth. This is because fluoride helps protect and strengthen tooth enamel. In addition, fluoride can also help the process of remineralizing teeth that have begun to decay. That way, the decay will not get worse and the formation of cavities in the teeth can be avoided. You should not hesitate to use toothpaste that contains fluoride.

2. Avoid toothpaste that contains irritants

When you are choosing toothpaste, try checking one by one the list of active ingredients listed on the package.

You should know that some of the active ingredients in toothpaste have been labeled as allergens or irritants. Some of them are as below.

  • Citric acid (often listed as zinc or potassium citrate)
  • Triclosan
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate
  • Propylene glycol
  • PEG-8, PEG-12, PEG-1450
  • Cocamidopropyl betaine
  • Parabens
  • Pyrophosphate

The most typical sign that you have a toothpaste allergy is sores or canker sores in your mouth. The location can vary in the cheeks, tongue, gums, lips, to the roof of the mouth. Lips also become red, itchy, and painful.

You should always check carefully the ingredients contained in the toothpaste product that you are going to buy. Make sure the toothpaste product you choose does not contain harmful ingredients or that can trigger an allergic reaction.

3. Choose a well-known product

If you want to use toothpaste for cavities, choose a product that has a seal from a reputable organization. For example, the American Dental Association (ADA) or the Indonesian Dental Association (PDGI).

This seal indicates that the toothpaste you are using is safe and effective at protecting your teeth as well as removing stains from your teeth.

You should also consult a dentist before using toothpaste products for cavities. If needed, the doctor can prescribe a special toothpaste that is not usually sold commercially in the market.


Tips to Maintaining Oral Health for Your Brighter Smile

Tips to Maintaining Oral Health for Your Brighter Smile

Tips to Maintaining Oral Health – Not everyone can smile with a charming face. Moreover, for those of you who have a toothache. I want a big shy smile. Yellow teeth, cavities, or bad breath.

Surely you do not want to experience problems like that right? Therefore, be diligent to check your teeth and mouth. You can visit the nearest dentist or you can come to our clinic. There are several dental care packages that you can try. That way you will get satisfying results for beautiful teeth, beautiful smile, and even better to smile.

If your teeth are neat and attractive, there are a few more things you need to do. Because dental and oral health is very important and it is actually your own job to take care of it. But, do you know what are the ways to maintain healthy teeth and mouth? Here is several tips to maintaining your oral health for your brighter smile.

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Tips to Maintaining Oral Health

If you want to take care of your teeth and mouth, at least you should pay attention to your dental health by applying some tips to take care of your oral health. You do not take this health problem lightly because it will greatly affect your confidence later.

1. Brush your teeth properly and correctly

This is the first of several tips for maintaining oral and dental health that you must do. It should be emphasized that you should not brush your teeth carelessly.

Brush your teeth the right way and at the right time. You can brush your teeth after breakfast and before going to bed at night, because this is called the best time to brush your teeth.

In addition to the right time, how to brush your teeth must also be correct. All front and back teeth should be brushed, including the inner teeth for maximum cleaning.

2. Clean your mouth area thoroughly

In addition to brushing your teeth properly, you also need to clean the mouth area completely and cleanly. One of them, by eradicating germs that cause bad breath and cavities. You can use mouthwash.

You can also get various recommendations for oral and dental health care needs at our clinic, of course. Take care of your oral hygiene as you would take care of your teeth.

3. You should reduce your consumption of coffee, cigarettes and alcohol

If you want to keep your teeth and mouth healthy, then these are some of the choices that must be reduced. Black coffee will leave a mark if you drink it too often. Likewise cigarettes, the nicotine will tend to easily damage your teeth and make your teeth look yellow. Then, hard alcohol will erode the tooth layer so that it is easily brittle and your teeth become damaged quickly.

Therefore, reduce the consumption of some of the things that have been mentioned earlier and you will see that your teeth will be well cared for.

4. Choose the right food to eat

In addition to reducing the consumption of cigarettes, alcohol and coffee, you should also pay attention to the food you eat. Bad breath and dental health often arise due to the food consumed. Red meat, eggs, or in Indonesia there’s some food called petai and jengkol which often leave an unpleasant odor and if you are not cleaned properly after eating. This does not mean that all of these foods should not be consumed.

But it would be better if these types of foods were reduced as well as when you want to reduce cigarettes or coffee. You could probably try for better food. Then you can start replacing it by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, such as apples, oranges, tomatoes, and others.

5. You can use lemon for dental care

Did you know that lemon water that is consumed regularly has a good impact on the body and can reduce the smell of your breath.

In addition, if you want to brush your teeth mixed with lemon water and a little salt can also make your teeth whiter and fresher.

6. You should don’t wait for a toothache

Visiting the dentist regularly at least once every six months without waiting for your teeth to hurt is something you also need to do to maintain dental health.

In addition to prevention, routine maintenance will make you always get the most appropriate doctor’s advice to make your teeth beautiful and attractive.


Those were some tips to maintaining oral health that you can try. Maintaining dental and oral health is important. From now on, you should pay more attention to dental and oral health. But if you already have problems with your teeth, you can come to our place for consultation and receive treatment.


Vitamin D For Dental Health and Oral Health

Vitamin D For Dental Health and Oral Health

Vitamin D For Dental Health – Vitamin D is one of the important vitamins that the body needs. The function of vitamin D, among others, is to help maintain bone strength and the immune system. However, it turns out that the benefits of vitamin D are also reflected in oral health. That is why if you want to have healthy and strong teeth, you need to meet your daily intake of vitamin D.

Vitamin D is a type of vitamin that dissolves easily in water and is available in a number of food ingredients. Not only useful for strengthening bones, vitamin D is also very beneficial for oral health.

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The Function of Vitamin D for Oral Health

The body needs vitamin D for calcium absorption. Calcium with the help of phosphorus and other minerals plays an important role in building and strengthening dental tissue from within.

Apart from strengthening teeth, here are some other functions of vitamin D for oral health that you should know:

  • Helps accelerate the healing process of cavities.
  • Helps prevent gingivitis because vitamin D has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Responsible for making cementum that binds your teeth to the bones in your mouth.
  • As mentioned above, vitamin D also plays a role in regulating the immune system. The mouth is a soft nest for germs and bacteria that cause disease. If your intake of vitamin D is fulfilled properly, this will further strengthen your body’s resistance to various diseases related to teeth and mouth.

Without enough vitamin D, your body also can’t form enough calcitriol compounds to absorb calcium from food. This means that your risk of developing dental problems, especially cavities and gum disease, can increase. What’s more, the genes that control periodontitis (gum disease) are also regulated by receptors controlled by vitamin D.

What are The Sources of Vitamin D?

Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D. You don’t have to “burn” your skin for hours to get this vitamin. The reason is that skin that is exposed to sunlight in a short time can produce the amount of vitamin D the body needs for daily needs.

Apart from the sun, you can also get vitamin D from food. Some foods that contain vitamin D include fish that contain good fats. Such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, egg yolks, red meat, and other.

Benefits of Vitamin D for Dental Health

Vitamin D is a type of vitamin that dissolves easily in water. It is available in a number of food ingredients. Not only is it useful for strengthening bones, basically vitamin D is also very beneficial for your oral health. Then what are the benefits of getting enough vitamin D for your teeth and mouth?

  1. Calcium absorption becomes easier

Adequate intake of vitamin D in the body is very useful to form cortisol compounds. These compounds will then be used to optimize the process of calcium absorption in the body. If your need for calcium is fulfilled, then cavities, swollen gums, and other problems with your teeth can be well prevented.

  1. Can Strengthen Teeth

The content of vitamin D which is sufficient and not excessive in the body is very useful for strengthening your teeth. However, if the levels are in excess, this can actually trigger dangerous diseases. Related to the eyes, kidneys, lungs, and blood vessels.

But if the body lacks vitamin D intake, then you can experience a variety of symptoms such as fatigue, muscle aches, and joint pain. Therefore, make sure to get enough vitamin D for yourself.

  1. Prevent Inflammation of the Gums

Inflammation of the gums can be caused by a collection of bacteria lodged on the surface of the teeth. However, this condition can be prevented if your vitamin D intake is adequate.

One way to meet the needs of vitamin D in the body is by consuming sea fish, dairy, and red meat.

  1. Can To Overcome Teeth and Mouth Problems

The work of vitamin D in the body is closely related to the immune system. If the intake is sufficient, the attack of germs and bacteria that are lodged in the mouth can be destroyed immediately. That way, various diseases related to teeth and mouth can be prevented.

  1. Can Extend Teeth Life

The characteristics of healthy teeth are ivory white, moisture is maintained. There are no complaints of pain, no cavities, and the condition of the teeth is intact.
Healthy teeth will also have a longer lifespan and are less prone to cracking, compared to unhealthy teeth.

By meeting the needs of vitamin D every day, your dental health will be maintained and will not experience any problems at all.

References :

Teeth Scaling for Health

Teeth Scaling for Health

Teeth scaling for health is a non-surgical procedure that is performed to clean and remove plaque and tartar on the teeth. Plaques formed from bacteria and food waste in the mouth are that is allowed to harder and rarely brush teeth from tartar. Tartar and plaque contain millions of bacteria and if they are not cleaned regularly, they can cause disease, moreover, tartar and plaque that has continued to harden will be very difficult to remove with regular brushing, so it requires special tools through tooth scaling procedure.  

Did you know that the benefits of teeth scaling for health and the process need to be known so that teeth are always maintained? Especially if you don’t pay attention to oral health, it can cause various diseases in other parts of the body as well.

Cleaning the tartar   

As mentioned earlier, tooth scaling is a tartar cleaning procedure. Cleaning tartar is done using an ultrasound scaler. The tartar and plaque make teeth appear untreated. Usually, hardened plaques tend to be dull in color, usually brownish yellow to black. The ultrasonic scaler will produce vibrations that destroy and knock out the tartar in between to the deepest part of the tooth.  

Not only cleaning the plaque on the teeth, but this tool also cleans the tartar in the gum line that is difficult to reach with a bristle toothbrush, Because the tartar is not easy to clean just by brushing your teeth, but you also need to go to the dentist to undergo a thorough cleaning of the tartar. Scaling can clean even very hard tartar. You are advised to clean your teeth regularly every 6 months. But for severe cases, scaling can be done once every 3 months. Scaling not only cleans teeth from plaque and tartar but can also prevent the appearance of various diseases. 


The next benefit of cleaning teeth is that it can prevent gingivitis. Tartar that is left to continue to harden and cause gingivitis, you know not gingivitis is an inflammation or inflammation that hits the soft tissues around the teeth or gingival tissue. This condition makes the gums inflamed, swollen, and easily bleeding, Over time, caries on the teeth can also occur, therefore, you can treat the teeth by scaling the teeth to prevent them.  


With regard to gingivitis, If not treated immediately it will be more severe and cause periodontitis. Therefore, it is concerned with cleaning gifi to prevent periodontisitis or gum infection that damages the dental buffer tissue. The disease causes the onset of pockets that create a distance between the gums and teeth. When the bag is filled with nakteri, the immune system naturally releases the substance ki,it to fight the bacteria.  

Reactions of chemicals released by the body and bacteria can damage the bones of teeth, causing the bones, gums and gum support tissue to be destroyed. Without proper treatment, periodontitis can cause loose teeth or dates.  

Heart Disease   

Bacteria contained in tartar can infect dental buffer tissue and can spread throughout the body. In fact, quoted from WebMD, bacteria that cause gum disease can also increase the risk of heart disease. The bacteria enter the bloodstream and can spread to other organs such as the heart. Therefore, the benefits of teeth scaling as one of the best ways to clean the tartar can prevent the onset of various diseases. 

Before Teeth Scaling  

Before teeth scaling for health, you need to undergo several tests first, such as:  

Medical history check.   

Before performing a dental examination, your doctor will check your medical history, including your history of allergies or medical conditions. This is done to prevent various risks that may occur..  

You should tell your doctor if you have ever experienced an allergic reaction to the ingredients contained in the anesthetic, or are taking medications, supplements, or herbal products, especially blood-thinning drugs (anticoagulants). The doctor will advise the patient to temporarily discontinue the use of anticoagulant drugs to prevent the risk of bleeding.  

Also, let your doctor know if you’re using an artificial joint (prosthetic). The doctor will administer antibiotics to reduce the risk of side effects. You should also tell your doctor if you have heart valve disease or use an artificial heart valve and if you have ever undergone an organ transplant procedure.  

Examination of dental and oral conditions.   

Next, the doctor will examine and identify the location of plaque and tartar with a special small mirror.  

Teeth Scaling Procedure  

Steps taken by the doctor during the dental scaling procedure include:  

– The dentist will provide local anesthesia to relieve any pain that may arise during the plaque and tartar cleaning process.  

– The doctor begins the process of cleaning the tartar by using an ultrasonic wave scraper that can emit vibrations and remove plaque and tartar. It can also emit cold smoke from the water to clean the rest of the plaque and tartar.  

– Once the plaques and corals around the tooth email are cleaned, the doctor will use a manual scraper or scaler with a pointed tip to clean the plaques and corals in areas unreachable by ultrasonic scrapers.  

– During the process of cleaning the plaque and tartar, the doctor will ask you to gargle and remove it so that the rest of the plaque in the mouth can be lost.  

– The last step, the doctor will polish the cleaned teeth with a polisher equipped with soft rubber at the end.  

Tooth scaling can be completed in one visit lasting 30-120 minutes, depending on the condition and number of plaques and tartar. 

Read Another blog about Benefits of Teeth Whitening in Bali that you Must Know!